High Efficiency Low Maintenance
Minimizes Energy Consumption, Maximum Comfort
Creating Healthy Sustainable Indoor Environments
Improved Indoor Air Quality
Highest Standards in hygiene, comfort and energy efficiency for COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL, OFFICE, PUBLIC, HEALTHCARE BUILDINGS

cooling & heating Solutions

KAYZAN AIRCON is a vibrant/passionate and forward-thinking company that specializes in advanced Radiant system solutions. Our expertise lies in the supply/installation of Radiant systems, which are combined with supplementary fresh air / conventional systems. Additionally, we offer services such as reviewing complete HVAC system, optimizing building HVAC systems, and ensuring the best indoor air quality in the industry. As a young and dynamic company, we are passionate about delivering cutting-edge solutions to our clients.

Radiant cooling systems utilize hydronic systems to cool the space/building by circulating water through pipes that are embedded in the floor, concrete slab, walls or ceiling. The heat from objects, occupants, equipment, etc. in a space will transfer to the cooled surface as long as their temperatures are higher than that of the cooled surface and they are within the line of sight. Unlike traditional All-Air cooling systems, radiant cooling systems operate at higher efficiency & temperatures. The temperature of the circulating chilled water is typically determined based on factors such as indoor temperature, heat load, and construction parameters. Once the actively cooled surface absorbs the heat, it is removed by water flowing through a hydronic circuit, which is then replaced with cooler water.

Radiant heating systems employ hydronic systems to warm the space/building by circulating warm/hot water through pipes that are embedded in the floor, concrete slab, walls or ceiling. The heated surface will transfer energy to occupant, objects, equipment, etc. in a space as long as their temperatures are lower than that of the radiant surface temperature and they are within the line of sight. In comparison to traditional All-Air heating systems, radiant heating operates at very high efficiency with lower warm water temperatures. The temperature of the circulating warm/hot water is determined based on factors such as indoor temperature, heat load, and construction parameters. Warm water is introduced into the system through a hydronic circuit, replacing the cold water.

Case Study

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Mahindra & Mahindra


SLAB COOLING 2,50,000 sq. feet



FLOOR COOLING 70,000 sq. feet



SLAB COOLING 2,00,000 sq. feet

Police Memorial

Police Memorial

FLOOR COOLING 20,000 sq. feet


Consultancy Icon


The radiant-based HVAC system has undergone a meticulous design and review process, employing globally recognized tools for utmost precision.


The provision of radiant components, in addition to the necessary capital equipment, will be tailored to meet the specific requirements of the project.

Installation Icon


The installation process involves the integration of both the Radiant system and the HVAC system.

Let’s meet and discuss how we can reduce energy usage and cost, CO2 emissions and water consumption in your existing buildings or next construction.

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We focus on the entire process, concept through completion